Stolen Omega Page 5
When Kyle’s head popped out of the water after a few minutes of playing, Dakota was standing on the pool’s edge, looking down at him sternly.
“Did you really think you could sneak past me?” he said in an angry tone, but then a smile broke out across his face.
“Well, I did,” Kyle said defiantly.
“Nope, I’ve been right behind you the whole time.”
“You could have put yourself in danger,” he said, the look of concern returning to his face. “Markus or his men could have been waiting for you. This was reckless, baby bear.”
“I know, but I couldn’t sleep. I’ve never been swimming.”
“Please just tell me next time. It’s not like I was going to try to tell you no,” he said and started taking off his clothes.
The next morning, Dakota woke up and rounded everyone up. They took over a nearby diner and ate a hearty breakfast. Dakota made sure to leave the waitresses a generous tip before they got on their bikes and rode for the rest of the morning.
When they stopped for gas around lunchtime, Dakota got a message from Wyatt about the Iron Sleds. They hadn’t figured out the Kodiaks had taken a different route, but it was looking like they would get to California before the Kodiaks. He responded.
“Thanks for the intel and for everything you are doing for us. Don’t worry about my family. Even if Markus has figured out where we’re going, they won’t be there when the Iron Sleds get there.”
Dakota had already called ahead and warned his family. His aunt had contacted Kyle’s parents, and they knew he was coming. They were still neighbors after twenty-six years because they had been afraid to move away. His parents had been waiting there, hoping for Kyle’s return, for his entire life. Now, he was finally going to get to meet them.
His father was a powerful Alpha in the shifter community, and together with several California Kodiak chapters and other friendly MCs, he was gathering an army to protect his son from the Iron Sleds.
The local wolf shifter MCs refused to side with the Iron Sleds and were joining together with their bear brothers. Hopefully, the sheer numbers alone would make the Iron Sleds realize they had made a big mistake, and they would run home with their tails tucked between their legs.
The Kodiaks had one more night on the road, and they planned on being at the rendezvous point the next day. Markus and his crew would arrive before them, and Dakota and his allies would have them surrounded. If they relented, Dakota and his men would let them go. If they refused, Markus would get the war he was asking for. Dakota didn’t want bloodshed, but he would rip apart anyone who threatened his mate and his family if he had to.
That night, they found a motel, but most of them had to share rooms. Dakota and Kyle shared a room with Bryan and Sam. They ordered pizza and sat around talking. Sam told them his story. He’d already told Bryan the night before, and he was still there with the Omega. Bryan held Sam’s hand and reassured him that he loved him no matter what was in his past. Sam was a human Omega, but he was still Bryan’s fated mate. It wasn’t that unusual for them to have a human mate. Their children could be shifter or human offspring.
Sam had run away as a teenager just like Kyle. He’d also found his way to the Iron Sleds. Sam’s connection to Bryan led him to their town, but the Iron Sleds held him captive the same way they kept Kyle.
The difference was that he wasn’t a virgin. Many of the Omegas were runaways, but the really unlucky ones got sold to pimps. Sam’s relationship with Markus kept him safe at first, but eventually he grew tired of monogamy.
Sam was lost, and every day that he was away from Bryan and turning tricks for the Iron Sleds, his heart grew darker. Sex with the men made him feel wanted, but as time went on, he needed more intense situations to chase away the emptiness.
After a few years, Markus started sharing Sam with the other men, but he still considered Sam his main Omega. He went crazy when Dakota took Kyle, and he beat Sam because he was closest to him. Sam stuck around, hoping he would calm down and apologize, but after one of his informants saw Kyle and Dakota while they shopped, he beat Sam again.
That’s when Sam left and made his way to the Kodiak clubhouse. Sam felt sorry for not protecting Kyle, and he figured warning them was the best he could do. He was also drawn towards Bryan again once his head was clear of Markus. The night they met was the first time in Sam’s life he ever felt loved. Kyle told Sam he completely understood that feeling, and Kyle reached out and took Dakota’s hand. Dakota didn’t say it out loud, but he was glad Kyle had never had to go through that part of working for the Iron Sleds. Dakota admired Bryan for accepting Sam so easily and forgiving the Omega’s past. It wasn’t right, but some shifters would have killed their mate rather than be stuck with an Omega that used to turn tricks.
Kyle was able to sleep that night, despite knowing that tomorrow he would meet the parents he’d lost over a quarter century ago. It was no wonder the people who stole him took him so far away, because the closer they got to Kyle’s parents, the more he could feel them in his heart.
Kyle wasn’t sure how many miles they’d traveled before he started to recognize the ache in his heart was actually a connection to his parents. It grew stronger with every mile they traveled, and he couldn’t believe how good it felt now.
The ache was no longer pain, but a yearning to be close to the bears that loved him more than anyone else in the world. Having Dakota there with him made his heart overflow with joy. Kyle knew the man who wanted to steal him back was still pursuing them, but all he could feel now was hope.
Dakota’s phone woke him just before dawn the next morning. Just like that, it was over. Wyatt could barely contain his excitement as he explained that the Feds had swooped in this morning and arrested every single one of the Iron Sleds. In addition to the warrants they already had, all of the wolves had either guns or drugs on them. The government had been watching them the entire time, and they could bring them up on additional charges for transporting the drugs and illegal guns across state lines. Markus and his men were going away for a long time.
Dakota’s first call was to the Kodiak wives and his allies at home. He sent the ones who were willing over to the Iron Sled clubhouse to help the women and Omegas left behind by this mess. His next call was to his aunt. He let her know the danger was over and that they would still be there later that day. She was excited and ended the call quickly, promising to pass on the news to Kyle’s parents.
“I’ve got a party to plan instead of war, nephew. And I don’t have much time.”
“Love you, Aunt Bonnie,” he said and hung up the phone.
They arrived in California in the early afternoon. Dakota wanted to take Kyle right to his parents, but the Omega wanted to stop at a hotel and take a bath.
“We’re dirty and tired, Big Papa,” Kyle said. “Let’s stop and get something to eat and I’d like to take a bath or shower.”
“Anything for you, baby bear.” He had to admit he was hungry for food, and for his mate. After he took Kyle to his parents, he realized it would be a while before he could get him alone again. “I wouldn’t mind a shower myself,” he said and winked at the Omega.
After staying in the roadside motel, Kyle was taken aback by the swanky hotel Dakota took him to in California. Some of the other Kodiaks went with them, and some felt more comfortable staying somewhere a little less fancy. Kyle noticed that Dakota paid for everything for the men, regardless of where they chose to stay. He had never met a person who was so generous with his money.
“Where did your money come from? Kyle asked on the elevator to the penthouse.
“Most of it is family money. My grandfather was a real estate mogul and made some brilliant investments with his commercial and residential developments. He left me a handsome fortune when he passed, and I made some good investments too. I have more than enough for us, our children, and their children at this point, so I give away eve
rything I make,” he explained.
Kyle stood on his tiptoes and gave him a kiss. “You’re a wonderful man.”
The elevator doors opened into a grand foyer. Kyle realized their room was the only room on the floor. Dakota opened the door with a key card, picked Kyle up, and carried him over the threshold.
“Oh, really?” Kyle said when Dakota set him down inside the room. “I don’t know much, but I’m pretty sure that’s something newlyweds do. I’ve heard people at the church talk about it.”
“Forever, honey bear. I’m yours forever. I know humans get married, but we don’t usually do that. My pledge to you is my life. I would die before I would ever break my vow,” Dakota said and got down on one knee.
Dakota pulled a black velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it, and inside was platinum band studded with emeralds and pink diamonds. The biggest stone was haloed with round cut diamonds that extended down and around the band. Kyle noticed that sometime between checking in and now, Dakota had slipped a platinum band on his own ring finger as well.
“I guess you assumed I would say yes,” Kyle said, looking at his ring finger and smiling.
“I guess I did,” Dakota said unashamedly. “Now, what do you think, baby bear? The suspense is killing me.”
“Stand up. Of course, yes. I pledge my life to you as well, mate.”
Dakota grabbed Kyle into his arms and kissed his lips. “Honeymoon time,” he said and kicked the room door closed behind them. “Let’s make some babies.”
Kyle stood in the bathroom, staring at the test on the bathroom counter. Three little hands knocked on the door.
“Daddy, when are you coming out?” Jacob asked. “I want milk. The twins want juice.”
“Jacob, you are six years old. I think you can handle getting yourself a glass of milk and getting your baby sisters some juice boxes.”
“You’re right, Daddy,” Jacob said, and Kyle could almost see his son puffing out his chest. “I’m an Alpha. I can handle everything.”
“You’re right, little bear. You can,” Kyle called back through the door.
“We’re Alphas too,” Lucy and Lina chanted as they followed their brother down the hall and away from the bathroom.
Kyle’s heart was so full already with Dakota and the kids, but he was hoping the test would be positive. They’d always planned to have more than three children, but their efforts for the past three years had failed.
Jacob was six and the twins were three. It was past time for another baby.
Kyle chewed his thumbnail nervously. There wasn’t a line yet, and it had been at least three minutes. The box had said to wait five, but with his past pregnancies, the line had lit up like a Christmas tree the moment he peed on the stick. He was trying not to get his hopes up. There had been so many disappointing tests over the past three years.
But Kyle knew he could feel it. He’d thrown up his breakfast three times this week. He was tired, thirsty, and every part of his body had become overly sensitive. Something was up.
“Come on,” Kyle whispered. It was more of a prayer than a demand.
Dakota had been in Mexico for a week, rescuing human trafficking victims with the MC. Kyle wanted to be able to tell his mate he was pregnant again.
Just then, something caught Kyle’s eye. It looked like the faintest purple line. He couldn’t believe it. It was so faint that he knew his eyes had to be playing tricks on him. Kyle told himself not to get his hopes up. He tried to push down the rising excitement.
Kyle grabbed the test and went to the bathroom window. He held the test up to the light, and sure enough, there it was. The faint purple line meant he was pregnant, and with an Omega.
After three Alpha children, Kyle was finally going to have an Omega. He did a little dance and threw the test away.
“Who wants cookies?” Kyle hollered as he rushed out of the bathroom. “We’ve got something to celebrate!”
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Copyright ©2018 Eva Leon
This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is coincidental.