Chaotic Love Read online

Page 4

  He must have seen me looking at the door because I heard the locks engage. “Don’t,” he warned.

  Escape wasn’t going to be possible, but perhaps wherever he was taking me would present ways for me to kill myself. I might have to be creative, but I could do that. I’d thought of hundreds of ways to do myself in over the years. It’s what I did when they were fucking me. While they rammed their cocks into my ass or down my throat, I’d imagine all the ways I could die.

  “I won’t,” was all I could think to say.

  “Are you hungry or thirsty? We can grab something on the way back. You look like you need to eat.”

  I didn’t say anything, but I did shake my head no. I would never ask for food or water. That was my number one rule. I would never let them think I wanted something from them because if you did, your owner would always hold it against you later.

  The rest of the ride, I just watched him. The other men who owned me used threats and weapons to keep me in line. None of them were what I would have considered physically imposing.

  This man was different. He was muscular and covered in tattoos. He looked like he could break me in half with his bare hands. He looked like he was made to break Omegas in half. I wondered how many of us he’d owned. That thought brought emotion to my chest that felt like a dull stab. It didn’t make sense. Why would I want to be his only Omega?

  He relaxed his shoulders a little, and the thick muscles of his back rippled. I felt my cock stir. That was unexpected. I wondered how long it would be before he touched me. He’d had his hands on my body when he’d taken me from the cage and carried me to the truck, but I’d been too out of it to really feel him. Stanislav had come down a while before the man showed up to drug those of us who he considered troublemakers.

  My eyes flashed to the rearview mirror, and I took in his ocean blue eyes. He tipped his head up, and I got a good look at his gorgeous mouth.

  It was almost as if I was attracted to him. That was impossible, though. I was dead inside. I didn’t care how gorgeous he was or how hard he made me, he wouldn’t make me want to live.

  We pulled up to a gate, and he leaned out and punched a code into a keypad. He drove the truck up the driveway, and I was shocked to find that we were pulling into a house that was just as nice as Stanislav’s.

  Somehow, I’d imagined he lived in a shack somewhere or that he’d be taking me out to a wooded area in the mountains to kill me. I thought that perhaps this wasn’t his house, and it was just a place we were going to break into so he could murder me.

  But he’d known the gate code. The only other way that was possible was if he worked for the house’s owners, but that seemed wrong, too. He wouldn’t bring a stolen sex slave to his employer’s home.

  Would he?

  “Is this your house?” I whispered. Perhaps he’d stolen me for someone else.

  “It’s our house, Finn. You belong to me, and this is our home.”

  That word. Home. I didn’t dare let it make me hope. This wouldn’t be my home. I had no home. I had no control over my life. I belonged to whatever man had me. I’d never have things like a home, love, or happiness. To believe otherwise would be to invite madness.

  Chapter Seven


  I picked the Omega up from the back of the truck and carried him into my house. He smelled of urine, sweat, and all manner of vile things. I needed him cleaned up. I wanted to see what Finn looked like when he wasn’t covered in filth.

  The room I’d prepared for him in the basement had a guest bathroom nearby. I took Finn in there and turned on the shower.

  “Take your panties off and get in,” I told him after cutting his restraints.

  He didn’t move, and I began to suspect that his subservience in the truck was an act. “Take them off, Finn.”

  The Omega didn’t move.

  The rags he wore were disgusting, and I didn’t want to touch them any more than I had to. So I got my knife back out and cut them off his body. He stood still and as limp as he could without falling over as I hacked off the revolting material. It fell to the floor, and I kicked it aside.

  “Get in,” I said, and pointed the knife at the shower.

  He just stood there, staring at the wall. Finn had the most amazing ass I’d ever seen. It was round but still perky. His stomach was flat with a hint of ab definition, and despite the filth that covered him, Stanislav had kept his pubes and ass waxed. Or perhaps one of his owners had electrolysis done so they wouldn't have to worry about it. Either way, the area under his cock and between his pert little ass cheeks was as hairless as a preteen. Once he was clean, I’d taste it. I imagined his slick would taste like peaches with it scrubbed and fresh. I hoped for his sake he did. I’d have no use for him after all if his little asshole didn’t please me. At least I knew it still looked pretty.

  I’d have bet at one time he’d been a little more muscular. The Omega was too skinny to tell for sure, but Finn still had that bubble butt. I looked forward to seeing him with a little more meat on his bones.

  “Get in the shower, Finn,” I ordered again. “Don’t make me take off my belt. You can make this easier on both of us.” His smell was beginning to turn my stomach.

  He didn’t move, so I grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him into the shower. The water was still pretty cold, but it didn’t snap him out of his stupor. Finn just stood there, shivering slightly and staring at the wall.

  I couldn’t deal with his bullshit. I was going to snap on our first night. So, I pulled out my phone and texted my housekeeper.

  Need you in the basement guest bath now.

  Less than two minutes later, because my staff knew better than to piss me off, Leena appeared in the doorway to the bathroom. “Yes, I am here. What can I do?”

  “He’s filthy, and he reeks, Leena. I don’t want to touch that filth. You clean him up.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said and stepped into the bathroom.

  Leena was a good housekeeper who had worked for me since I’d purchased the house. I had other staff that had come and gone, but she was faithful and hardworking. As far as I knew, Leena had a husband and two boys at home. She needed her job, and I paid well for discretion.

  I stood back and watched as Leena squirted a blob of shampoo in her hand. She didn’t hesitate when she reached for Finn.

  My housekeeper attempted to work the rich lavender-scented lather into Finn’s hair, but she could only get it so far. The ends of Finn’s waist-length hair were matted so severely that even with conditioner, Leena couldn’t work the knots out.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” she said after trying for nearly half an hour. “This Omega’s hair grew very long and no one took care of it.”

  “It’s okay, Leena. We’ll have you cut the ends when he’s done.”

  She nodded her head to show she understood and went ahead with cleaning the rest of Finn’s body. I watched as she soaped up a cloth and rubbed the lather all over the Omega’s body.

  Finn had creamy, pale skin. I hadn’t realized just how fair he was because of the grime. When Leena used the cloth to clean between Finn’s legs and buttocks, I watched a shudder run through his body.

  My cock was suddenly at attention. “Hurry up,” I tried to gently instruct Leena. She was doing her best, and I didn’t want to scold her harshly.

  “Yes, sir.”

  When it was done, and Finn was clean, Leena turned the water off and stepped back so Finn could get out of the shower. The Omega didn’t budge.

  “Come on,” I said as gently as I could. I was losing my patience with him, but I thought if I showed him a little softness, he’d comply.


  Done with his bullshit, I walked over to the shower and grabbed him by the arm. I pulled Finn out and stood him in front of the mirror. The scissors were in the second vanity drawer. Leena took them from me and began cutting away the matted hair.

  “Not too much,” I said. “I like it long.”

  “Yes, si

  When she was done, Finn’s hair was still down to past his shoulders, and I was quite satisfied with Leena’s work. She cleaned up the hair quickly and then stood in the bathroom doorway, awaiting further instructions.

  “Go make us some dinner, Leena. I’d like empanadas and your meat stew, please.” I made sure she took the scissors with her.

  “Yes, sir,” she said with a smile and left us.

  “You’re going to eat and not insult Leena,” I told Finn. “Stay.”

  I went out to the bedroom and retrieved the clothing I’d set out for Finn’s first night. It was a pair of black shorts and a fitted gray t-shirt. There were also white cotton panties. Not all Omegas wore panties, but I liked it when they did. Same as with the long hair. I didn’t want a woman, but I liked my Omegas small and feminine. I wanted him to be comfortable until he was allowed to come upstairs. After he learned to behave for me, we could discuss what types of clothing suited both of our tastes.

  When I went back into the bathroom, Finn was still standing in the same place in front of the mirror. He hadn’t moved. His eyes were cast down to his feet.

  I put the clothing on the counter. “Get dressed.”

  He just stood there, staring at his feet. I let out an exasperated sigh. This wasn’t how I wanted things to go. I’d hoped he’d be a little more grateful that I rescued him from Stanislav. Whatever game Finn was playing had me at the end of my rope. Did I need to slap the Omega around to get him to comply? Maybe he was just one of those Omegas who only responded to physical discipline.

  I took off my belt. “You’re going to push me too far, Finn. I don’t want to have to discipline you so harshly on our first night.” I ran my hand over his bottom. It would look fucking sexy with some welts marking it as mine.

  He turned around to look at me finally. There was nothing in his eyes. As if it were a reflex, he expertly undid my pants and dropped to his knees.

  “Finn, I didn’t ask for that.” I was about to yank him back to his feet, but his hand wrapped around the base of my cock.

  It bucked in the Omega’s hand. The sensation exploded behind my eyes in a blinding white light of pleasure. Before I could speak again, he had the head of my cock between his lips.

  Finn ran his small pink tongue around the edge of my cockhead. I responded by weaving my fingers through his damp hair. I didn’t like that he’d done that without my permission, but it felt too good to stop. I’d punish him for it later, but I figured at the time, I’d just take the pleasure.

  The Omega slid my cock into his mouth until I felt myself bump the back of his throat. “More,” I barked. Finn tilted his head back and sucked me in as far as he could. His eyes flicked up to meet mine, and I could swear I saw a flash of defiance. Or perhaps that’s just what I wanted to see. I wanted an excuse to do what I did next.

  I gripped his hair and thrust my hips forward until my cock was all the way in his mouth. The Omega choked, and I pulled back just in time for him to take a quick breath before I rammed my length back into his mouth.

  “Suck it like you like it, Finn,” I commanded.

  The Omega gripped my thighs as I continued to fuck his face. Finn would choke a little when I rammed the back of his throat with my cock, but he obediently sucked as I pulled out. And my little fuck doll could suck, too.

  “Oh, god. That’s so good,” I moaned. “Touch yourself, baby boy. I want to watch.”

  He didn’t, though. Finn looked up at me again with that same defiant look.

  “Fine, if that’s the way you want it,” I said, and began mercilessly thrusting my cock in and out of his mouth again.

  The Omega choked and sputtered as tears ran down his cheeks, but his hands stayed glued to my thighs. All he’d had to do was obey me, but he couldn’t. So I had to do what I had to do.

  I was about to come, so I gripped his hair and yanked back. “Suck,” I barked, and he did.

  My cock began to spurt thick streams of pent-up cum down his throat, and my little sapphire-eyed doll sucked down every drop.

  When I was done, I pulled my dick out of his mouth, and he collapsed chest-down on the floor, coughing and sucking in air. I couldn’t resist his sweet bottom up in the air like it was. He’d defied me more than once, so I brought the belt down on the Omega’s buttocks.

  Finn cried out, but I could swear he thrust his hips up toward me. I belted him again, and again he cried out. Tears sprang from his eyes once more and puddled on the bathroom floor.

  My next blow struck between him buttocks and caught his asshole. I would have sworn he moaned softly. I took the loop I made of the belt and ran it over his cock.

  Finn sat down on his butt and then scrambled into the corner to get away. He held his ground when I spanked him, but when I touched his cock, he hid.

  It was interesting. He wouldn’t be allowed to hide his tight ass and cock from me forever. I intended to have him come whenever it suited me, but I figured I’d give him a break. Sucking my cock wouldn’t distract me forever, though.

  “Get dressed, Finn, or I’m going to suck your cock until you come so hard you beg for more,” I said, as I put my belt back on.

  His eyes narrowed for a split-second, and he bit his bottom lip. A second later, he reluctantly got up and put on his clothes.

  “Good boy. Let’s go eat.”

  He followed me out to the bedroom area. I had a table and chairs set up for the Omega on the side of the room opposite the bed. We sat down, and a minute later, Leena showed up with the food. She served us and then stepped back.

  “Thank you, Leena. You’re dismissed for the evening.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Leena left, and I began to eat. Finn just sat there, staring at his plate. I could feel my temper rising again. “The food is good. Leena is an excellent cook. She worked hard to make this meal for you. Stop being a little brat and eat.”

  I finished my food, and Finn still hadn’t eaten. He just sat in his chair, staring at the wall.

  “This is your last chance, Finn,” I warned, but he didn’t budge.

  I stood up and calmly walked over to him. The Omega just sat there, staring, so I pulled him to his feet and dragged him back over to the bathroom. After yanking his shirt off and pants down, I jerked his panties down. Finn bent over a little, waiting for me to fuck him. I wasn’t falling for it.

  I grabbed his shoulders and shoved him into the bathroom. “You want to be treated like a human being, you need to act like one,” I said, and closed the door. It didn’t lock from the inside, but I’d installed a thumbprint lock on the outside. It was a kind of safe room. There were no windows, and the only way to lock and unlock it was with my thumbprint.

  Once he was secure, I took the leftover food and went back upstairs. I was frustrated with Finn because he wouldn’t obey, but I was still completely obsessed. I had to think about the best way to break the Omega.

  Chapter Eight


  I could still taste his cum in my mouth. He was salty and a little sweet. It was the first time I hadn’t hated the taste. I couldn’t tell how long I’d been alone in the little room, but it felt like hours.

  My stomach rumbled, but I didn’t care. I would not eat the food he’d offered me. Since he was gone, I was able to get some water. I’d tried to ignore how dry my mouth had gotten, but I couldn’t anymore. My traitorous body wouldn’t let me die that easily.

  I felt better for a few minutes with a belly full of water, and then a wave of nausea hit me. I lost all the water into the toilet while stomach cramps bent me over in agony.

  Even when my stomach emptied, the cramps continued. It felt like someone was taking my guts in their fists and trying to rip them apart. At the same time, my skin began to itch.

  “Fuck,” I whispered as I laid on the cool tile floor with my back to the toilet.

  I clawed at my skin, but nothing would relieve the itch. It didn’t help that Stanislav kept my nails clipped down to the quick so
I couldn’t hurt him or one of his men.

  It didn’t matter anyway. The itch was no longer just on my skin, it was deep inside me as well. My muscles twitched and spasmed, and for a moment, I wondered what hellish drug my current owner had given me. Perhaps it was a gas pumped into the ventilation of the bathroom to punish me for being disobedient. Maybe he’d gas me to death.

  But I realized I wasn’t that lucky. Stanislav must have stopped giving us prescription drugs at some point and switched to heroin. It was cheaper and easier to get than Oxy. Only good Omegas got Oxy and Xanax. He’d been dosing me with heroin, and I was going through withdrawals.

  Knowing that didn’t make it any easier. In fact, once my brain put two and two together, all I could do was crave another hit. I’d never wanted to be a drug addict. I’d put up with a lot of suffering to avoid it, and in the end, it got me anyway.

  I laughed a near hysterical laugh. But for the first time in years, I had a purpose. I needed a fix. If I couldn’t die, then I wanted to relieve my suffering.

  Fuck it.

  My body shook almost uncontrollably as I pulled myself to my feet. I saw a reflection in the mirror, but it wasn’t me.

  Wait. The mirror. I searched around for something hefty. I couldn’t find anything I wanted, but I figured the scissors would do.

  “Shit.” I hadn’t seen it, but the housekeeper had taken them with her. She must have known. Well, fuck her for leaving me with no way out when she knew how bad it was.

  I grabbed the bottle of shampoo and hit it against the mirror as hard as I could. Nothing happened. My new owner was too smart. It wasn’t real glass.

  My legs almost buckled as I stumbled toward the door. I was mad with need. I began to pound on the door and scream. When that didn’t work, I moved around to the walls and beat my fists against them until they were raw and throbbing with intense pain.

  A few minutes later, the door opened. He stepped in and glared at me with a look that could start fires.