Prince of the Depths Read online
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“Why would I need to spend my vacation locked in my hotel room or go home?” Caspian asked. “What’s going on?”
Tate and the other two Alphas exchanged a look. “I’ll tell him,” Tate said.
“Tell me what?” Cas asked. “Seriously, guys, what’s going on?”
“That guy that’s been following you isn’t just some creeper,” Tate began. “He’s a dangerous man who most likely works for an even more dangerous man. We think he’s planning to take you. People seem to disappear around his boss. It’s most likely a sex trafficking ring.”
“Oh shit,” Caspian said. “What about my friends? We could all be in danger.” The fact that Caspian thought of his friends first when he’d just been told his life was in danger made Tate melt a little.
Caspian took off toward the beach where his friends had gone. The guys stayed close behind, but they stayed back far enough to let Cas talk with the other Omegas. All three of Caspian’s companions were already draped over Alphas. Tate felt a twinge of anger when he saw Cas’s friends laugh at him and blow him off. From what he could see, they were not going to leave.
Cas came back over to where Tate and his friends stood waiting. “They don’t believe me,” Cas said. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Protect yourself,” Tate said a little more forcefully than he intended. “You take care of yourself. You can’t sacrifice your own safety because your friends won’t listen. I won’t allow it.” Tate braced for Caspian to tell him it wasn’t his place to give orders, but that didn’t happen. Cas was far too naturally submissive to do that. He wanted to please Tate. That much Tate could feel.
“I’m probably an idiot for going off alone with three Alphas, but yes, I’ll go. I don’t want to be kidnapped and trafficked,” Caspian said. “I just wish my friends would listen.”
“You’re doing the right thing,” Xavier said.
“Yeah,” Jaden added.
“I need to visit the bathroom first,” Caspian said. “Then we can go.”
“We’ll walk you in,” Tate said. “Lead the way.”
Caspian walked into the mansion and found the guest bathroom on the first floor. Tate and the other two Alphas waited outside the bathroom door in the wide, marble-floored hallway.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Jaden said as Caspian closed the door.
“You’re always paranoid, Jaden. Relax. We’re right here,” Xavier said. “What could happen?”
Chapter Six
Caspian stood at the sink washing his hands and trying not to think of how much fun it would be to have an orgy with the three hot Alphas standing outside the bathroom door when the window quietly slid open. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t hear it. The mansion had ultra expensive windows, and so they were nearly silent when someone opened or closed them. No one would ever know who left it unlocked. It was a party after all. Some other partygoer had most likely ducked in there for a smoke and left the latch undone.
None of that mattered as an arm came through the window, followed by another, and then a head. The person was halfway through the window before Caspian even turned to look.
“Guys,” he tried to cry out, but the yelp got stuck in his throat.
The party was raging outside the door, and the Alphas standing guard did not hear his plea. In a flash, the intruder was through the window and stuck Caspian with a needle attached to a small ampule.
He immediately began to feel woozy and began to fall. Blackness filled his eyes from the outside in, but in the last moment, Caspian noticed all the bottles sitting on the counter. There were soaps, lotions, and a couple of empty beer bottles, probably left by the careless person who’d used that bathroom to smoke.
Caspian flailed his arm out as best he could, even though he was losing feeling fast, and he knocked all the bottles to the marble floor.
“Shit. Go back.”
Cas used his last moments of sight to look at the intruder and whoever he was talking to.
It was the man at the beach with the gun. Conrad, one of the Alphas had said, but in his state, Caspian couldn’t remember who’d told him the name. The woman trying to back out the window she’d only half crawled through was the one with Conrad at the restaurant parking lot.
The doorknob started to rattle, and Conrad tried to quickly lift Caspian up and shove him through the window. Caspian hadn’t entirely lost consciousness, but the black that had been closing in on his eyes swam back and forth across his vision. He couldn’t fight the man trying to abduct him. Fortunately, he was also dead weight, and Conrad struggled to lift him enough for his partner to pull Cas out the window.
From behind Conrad, someone kicked the bathroom door in. All three of the Alphas rushed in and grabbed Conrad, but Patty pulled Cas out the window, where he fell into the grass with a thud. Not wanting to lose Caspian, Patty grabbed him by the collar and started to pull him across the lawn toward a black SUV waiting at a nearby curb. Caspian watched as Conrad fought with the three Alphas. He kept his body between the Alphas and the window, but a fist shot out and finally knocked him to the grown.
Xavier leapt out the window with almost preternatural strength and agility. The other two followed him. Patty turned to see the Alphas gaining on her quickly. She let go of Cas and began fumbling in her bag.
Xav moved in between Patty and Caspian to shield the Omega while Jaden scooped him up and began to run for the street. Caspian let himself melt against Jaden’s strong chest, but his moment of feeling safe was shattered by the sound of gunfire.
“Tate and Xavier,” Caspian mumbled almost incoherently.
Jaden just looked down at Caspian with eyes full of fear and concern. “Don’t worry about them right now. I’ve got you. You’re safe. That’s what matters.”
The adrenaline coursing through Caspian’s body began to wear off, and as it did, the effects of the drug he’d been injected with started to intensify. He grew so sleepy that it seemed an impossible fight to keep his eyes open.
He wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but Caspian thought that maybe he and Jaden had gotten into a truck. There was some relief as Xavier and Tate joined them. Although he thought it could just be a dream.
Caspian melted even further into Jaden’s lap as the truck pulled away from the curb and roared down the street. There were some more gunshots, but none of them hit the truck. A man screamed “Stop” but Xavier did not stop the truck.
Tate was in the truck too, and he pulled Caspian’s feet into his lap. It was far more comfortable that way. He was not a small Omega, and it was hard for him to keep his body entirely on Jaden’s lap. Tate looked over at Cas and offered him a smile.
It was the last thing Caspian saw before he lost the fight to stay conscious.
Chapter Seven
The light seemed to poke at Caspian’s eyes until he relented and opened his lids a fraction. It was sunlight streaming through a faded plaid curtain. The surroundings were completely unfamiliar as pieces of the memory from the night before came rushing into his mind.
He sat bolt upright as his heart pounded and looked around. Caspian took in that he was in an old cabin. It was small and rustic. He was on a bed covered in a quilt. The brass headboard was weathered.
Caspian got the first morning whiff of the ocean and heard the waves outside. He knew he had to be close to the water. It almost sounded as though it was right outside the door.
Then he heard soft snoring and it brought his attention back to the interior of the cabin. The three Alphas were all sleeping around him. Tate was on the sofa. Xavier and Jaden were on sleeping bags on the floor.
The bed they’d put him on was big enough for another person, but they’d let him have the whole thing to himself. If there’d been any doubt that Cas could trust the three Alphas, it was erased. They’d cared for him and protected him without even the slightest hint of impropriety. Caspian didn’t know if he’d ever even met an Alpha who
wouldn’t have taken advantage of that situation. Most of the ones he’d known wouldn’t have been able to control their lust. It was just the way it was.
But these Alphas were different.
Caspian got out of bed as quietly as possible so as not to wake his protectors. None of them stirred. He needed a bathroom, and he didn’t need an audience.
After looking around, Cas determined there wasn’t an indoor bathroom. So he ventured out to find an outhouse.
Cas was pleasantly surprised to find an outdoor bathroom. There was no shower, but the small room was better than a shed with a hole in the ground. It looked to be newer than the main cabin.
Once he’d washed his hands, Caspian went back outside and walked to the front of the cabin. It was the only dwelling in sight. In front of him was a large beach that was enclosed on either side by jungle. There was no one else around except the sleeping Alphas inside the cabin.
He found himself once again entranced by the ocean and could not help himself as he walked toward the gently lapping waves. The Omega stripped off his shirt, and Caspian quickly found himself chest deep in the warm, salty water.
His legs began to tingle again, and when he looked down, Caspian found that they’d again turned into a tail. He’d tried to tell himself that his swim the other night had been a dream. He told himself that he’d just gotten black out drunk and stumbled into the ocean where Xavier found him, lucky to be alive.
It made no sense, but his rational mind needed something to cling to because the truth was too much. The vision of his tail right in front of his eyes shattered that protection. His mind went fuzzy and he felt the sea calling to him louder than ever.
There was some reason he needed to turn around and go back on land, but Caspian could no longer put his finger on it. Any reason to go back to the beach seemed insignificant when compared to the ocean in front of him. Why would anyone turn away from that?
A slight splash from behind him barely registered with Caspian. Even the sound of a concerned voice barely touched him.
“Caspian,” Xavier said from right next to Cas. “Are you okay?”
Seeing his face and knowing that Xavier was right there brought Caspian back to reality. He turned to Xav and looked him right in the eye.
“I’ve got a tail,” Caspian said. He leaned back and flicked it above the water for Xavier to see.
There was a look of shock that registered on his face and Xavier swam back a little bit as if he was frightened. But then, he relaxed a little. “I thought that’s what I saw on the boat,” he said thoughtfully. “I told myself I was seeing things.”
“Why did you swim back.” It was obvious to Caspian that Xavier was afraid of what he’d become, and it hurt. “What’s happening to me?” he asked.
Caspian’s heart thundered in his chest. It was so hard he could feel it vibrating all the way through his temples.
“I don’t know,” Xavier said. He sensed the Omega’s distress and that overrode any remaining shock he felt. Xav swam forward to embrace Caspian.
“What are you guys doing?” Tate called from the shore.
Jaden was with him, and the two of them waded out into the water with Xavier and Cas. Cas felt another stab of fear. There was no way the other two would accept what he had become.
“Go back,” Caspian yelped. He tried to swim away, but Xavier had taken his hand.
“Whoa, Caspian. It’s okay,” Xavier said calmly. “Show them.”
So, he did. Jaden and Tate were stunned, but they didn’t back up. Having Xavier there and knowing that he’d already accepted what they were seeing for the first time kept them from freaking out.
“What’s happening to me?” Caspian pleaded again.
“I don’t know,” Tate said. “But we’re going to help you figure this out. We’re in this together. Right, guys?” he asked and shot Xavier and Jaden a look.
“Yes. We’re here for you,” Jaden said softly. “We’ll help you.”
“Take me back to the beach,” Caspian said. He knew if he didn’t get out of the water right then, he’d swim away and never come back. Cas wanted that, but he wanted to be with the three Alphas more. He had no idea why he was so drawn to them, but it was the only thing stronger than the pull of the sea.
They helped him through the shallow water and back to the sand. As soon as Caspian was out of the water completely, the tail turned back into his legs. He was completely naked and laid bare on the warm sand. None of the three Alphas could help but notice the size of his cock. It was far larger than that of the typical Omega. Caspian saw Tate’s eyes lingering over his erection. He felt ashamed of his arousal.
“Please just take me back inside,” he said to Tate.
He knew he shouldn’t be aroused, and that he certainly shouldn’t let Tate touch him while he was naked and wanting, but he couldn’t help it. Caspian needed the comfort and connection.
Tate put Caspian down right by the bed and helped him wrap up in the blanket. Xavier and Tate sat down on the sofa and left a space between themselves for Caspian.
He walked over and took his place between the two Alphas while Jaden pulled his laptop out of a black bag. Xavier stroked Cas’s hair and rubbed his neck while Tate massaged Caspian’s calves. A few times, his fingers slid up just enough to graze Cas’s thigh. The whole thing made Cas’s muscles relax while, at the same time, his cock grew harder and desperate with need. He was glad the blanket was big enough to cover his arousal.
Caspian would have fallen asleep, but he couldn’t look away from Jaden clicking away on his keyboard. He was so intense in his work, and for some reason, that turned Caspian on even more. He let himself wonder what Jaden would be like if he turned all of that focus on fucking him.
“I don’t think Conrad and Patty are hunting you for a sex ring,” Jaden said. He broke the spell that Tate and Xavier’s touch had put on Caspian. “I think they know what you are. Who else have you told about this?” Jaden turned to Caspian and his eyes tore into him.
“No one. No one else knows. I just figured this stuff out myself.”
“I’m sorry,” Jaden said softening. “I shouldn’t be so abrupt.”
“It’s okay,” Caspian replied. “I’m happy you’re trying to help. By the way, where are we?”
“This is the old cabin me and my family used to live in after my father retired from the Navy. We lived here before moving to the island. We’re in Mexico, a couple of miles from a small fishing village,” Xavier said.
“We left the island?”
“I’m sorry we had to leave your friends,” Tate said. “We had to get you somewhere safe. Not many people know about this cabin, and even fewer know that Xavier owns it.”
“We should be safe here for a while,” Jaden said. “At least a few days. Eventually, Conrad will figure out who is helping you. I’ve changed the deed records on the cabin, but he could still find the ties to Xavier.”
Chapter Eight
“Is there anywhere to shower?” Caspian asked shyly.
“There’s an outdoor shower behind the bathroom.”
“Good. I need to shower. Does anyone have any clothes I can borrow?”
“I do,” Xavier said. “I had a bag packed in the truck. I never know when I’ll get called out to the ship and have to leave.”
Caspian stood up and began to walk toward the back door of the cabin. All three Alphas stood up to follow.
“Whoa, where do you guys think you’re going?”
“We’re not letting you out of our sight. If you think you’re going anywhere alone, you can forget it,” Tate practically growled. “It’s our job now to protect you.”
Caspian thought about it for a moment, but something in Tate’s tone told him the Alpha was not to be argued with.
“We’ll keep our backs turned,” Jaden offered.
Xavier just shrugged.
“Fine,” Caspian said. “Could you grab those clothes for me first?”
p; Xavier nodded and went out the front door. Tate and Jaden followed behind Caspian. They were both shocked when Caspian dropped the blanket before walking outside.
“Is that an invitation?” Jaden asked a little too enthusiastically for it to have been a joke.
Caspian heard the sound of Tate hitting Jaden in the stomach followed by an “oof.”
“No, but it’s not like you haven’t already seen it. I just don’t want to get my blanket sandy.”
The three Alphas stood outside the shower while Caspian bathed. He could hear their breathing and knew they all wanted to join in. They were fighting their nature to take him very hard. Caspian couldn’t help but imagine their humongous Alpha cocks were as hard as rock. He decided the best thing to do was try and distract him. He wanted them too, but he wasn’t sure if he could handle three huge Alpha dicks at once. Though the idea was tempting.
“My legs aren’t changing in here,” he observed. “Why do you think I’m not getting a tail in the shower?”
“I think it’s because it’s fresh water,” Tate offered. Cas could hear the arousal in his voice. “I think you only change in seawater, Caspian. It probably has something to do with neurotransmitters and hormones.”
“That makes sense. It could also have something to do with submersion,” Caspian said. “I’d like to experiment, but we’ll have to do that later. I don’t know that I’m up for it right now.” There was definitely double a meaning in those words.
Caspian turned off the shower and Xavier stepped forward with his eyes closed and handed Cas the clothes in his hand. Caspian dressed quickly, and the four of them went back into the cabin.
“Do any of you have a phone with reception?” Caspian asked.
“I have a satellite phone,” Jaden said. “It’s untraceable.” His words were cryptic, but Caspian wasn’t sure if he was trying to be funny or serious.
“I’m going outside. You guys can watch me from the door, but I need to make a private call.”
Caspian didn’t wait for them to answer. He walked outside and stood halfway between the cabin and the waterline. Cas dialed the number and waited for his father to answer.