Stolen Omega Page 2
The bear inside him roared to the surface when the picture of his fated mate popped up on the screen. He’d never seen Kyle before, but one look was all he needed. His icy blood turned hot thanks to the animal inside, and he suddenly felt like murder. He had to get him, and he had to get Kyle now.
“Get over here and help me get in on this auction right now,” he growled into his phone at Bryan.
Bryan arrived at the clubhouse ten minutes later and started work on a fake profile for Dakota to use in the auction.
“How long?” he practically yelled at his best friend.
“Five more minutes, Brother. What’s going on? Why is this so urgent?” Bryan asked.
“He’s my mate. The Omega is my mate.”
Bryan understood. He knew that right now Dakota wanted to ride over there, guns out, and take the Omega away. But he also knew that would put Kyle in danger, and that was something Dakota couldn’t physically do. The profile would allow Dakota to buy Kyle, and he could save his mate without risking him harm.
“I set up the transfer using a program that will deposit the money into his account from your holdings in the Caymans, but the second you have him, we can reverse it, Boss.
“Those mongrels won’t get a dime of your money, and no one else will get your Omega,” Bryan told him with confidence.
“I don’t care about the money, but thank you. It’s a fraction of the fortune my grandfather left me. Once it’s done, you take three million for yourself and donate the rest to the domestic violence shelter anonymously.”
“Yes, Boss. Thank you.”
“It’s fair payment for a job well done, Bryan.”
Once the program was ready, Bryan hacked into the online auction Markus had set up for Kyle. Markus had grown tired of sifting through and validating offers for the Omega, so he had set up the online auction.
Any bids had to be escrowed into an account up front so there was no way to make a fake bid. You had to have the money, or you could just keep moving.
It was also by invitation only, but one of the Kodiaks was tight with a local drug kingpin who was willing to let them use his invitation. The Kodiaks had rescued his nephew from sex traffickers and returned him to his parents unharmed.
Bryan had to change the invitation to the fake identity and hope that Markus didn’t question it. He placed a bid for four million dollars. The bid was one million more than the top bid at the moment, and they knew Markus intended to accept that bid within days. Bryan transferred the money into the required escrow account, but stipulated in the bid that Markus had twenty minutes to accept or he would withdraw the money and go buy a virgin elsewhere.
Dakota paced the room, and Bryan stared at the computer screen nervously for exactly seventeen minutes. Then it happened. Markus accepted the bid and sent a message asking for details of the Omega’s delivery.
“Yes!” Dakota roared. “Tell him I want Kyle tonight. Tell him I’ll be there in thirty minutes to get him.”
“Brother, you can’t go alone. If they see it’s you, they’ll know. Take Henry, and take the truck.”
“I’m going to ride. I’ll wear a helmet and stay in the shadows. They won’t know it’s me.”
“Okay, Boss. Be careful. If you’re not back here in forty-five minutes, the club will ride out to get you.”
Dakota grabbed a black helmet off the wall, nodded at Bryan, and headed out the door.
Markus was at his computer, watching a video of a tiny blond Omega fisting a redhead with a huge cock. The redhead’s screams were almost identical to the twink Omega riding Markus’s dick. His cock was up one Omega’s ass, while he watched the Omegas on-screen fist and a suck each other off.
His hand was furiously stroking the cock of the Omega riding him. Markus shot a load into the Omega while his muscles clamped down hard on Markus’s cock.
When he was just about finished, the message popped up that he had a new bid for Kyle. His hips flexed once more and emptied the rest of his cum into the brunette impaled on him. Once he was finished, he shoved him off.
“Get out of here, whore. I’ve got work to do.”
The brunette scrambled to get up from where he landed, gathered his clothes, and headed for his office door. Out in the hall, another big biker grabbed him, pushed him into the wall, and said, “You wanna go, Andy?”
“Oh yeah. Fuck me hard, Charlie.”
With that, he kicked the Omega’s legs apart, whipped out his dick, and fucked him right in the hallway with Markus’s cum lubing them both up.
Markus shut his door and sat back down at the computer. He opened the bid and his stomach clenched. He might not get another offer like this for Kyle, and he had very little time to make a decision.
In the end, he decided he could always find another virgin runaway. He’d keep the next one, but this one was worth too much money. He accepted the bid and asked for delivery instructions.
The message came back that the buyer would be there in thirty minutes to pick up his purchase. He walked down the hallway and entered his bedroom. Kyle was there, reading a book one of the softer-headed men bought him.
“Get your shit and let’s go. Your new owner is on his way to pick you up. On second thought, just come on. You’re not taking shit I bought with you. Your new owner can take care of that.”
“Can I bring my book?” Kyle asked, trying to mask his terror.
“Did I buy it?”
“Nope, Leroy got it for me.”
“Then I guess you can bring it unless he wants it back. Which I doubt because that jelly-headed fool probably hasn’t read a book since kindergarten.”
Kyle jumped up and followed him out to the main room. He felt like he was going to be sick.
“Where am I going?” Kyle asked.
“Some professional poker player who flew in to buy you. That’s all I know from his bid. We don’t really have time to do a background check on him, but he paid. So you’re his now.”
He was at least slightly relieved that the Saudi Prince hadn’t been the winning bidder. He was terrified of the idea of being sent to the Middle East. Kyle didn’t know much about the region, but the church he grew up in made it sound like the entire area was overrun with demons. He guessed if he’d been won by the Saudi, he would have been violated, killed, and disposed of, or he would have been sold into the sex trade.
The crueler men had teased Kyle that if the Prince bought him, he’d fuck him once and then he’d end up drugged and tied to a bed in some Thai brothel where men would pay a quarter to fuck his half-dead body.
Whatever this buyer had in mind, it had to be better than that. He hoped.
They stood outside the clubhouse and Markus smoked a cigarette. Kyle heard a motorcycle coming up the road, and within seconds, it came to a stop in front of the house. The man riding didn’t pull into the parking lot, but just stopped in the road and waved for Kyle to get on.
“Go then,” Markus barked at him when he hesitated.
“How do we know it’s him?” Kyle’s voice cracked a little as he choked back his terror.
“Who else would it be? The auction was secret, invitation only, and the buyer is the only one who knows it’s over right now. Besides, I’ve got my money. What do I care? You’re his problem now.”
Kyle started walking towards the man waiting for him. Markus flipped his cigarette at him and yelled, “Good riddance, you fucking twat!”
He barely missed burning Kyle, and that’s the only reason Markus was still alive. Dakota’s bear threatened to overtake him at that moment. He was ready to shift and tear Markus’s head off. But he knew Kyle could get hurt, so he took a few deep breaths and stayed as calm as possible.
The man handed Kyle a helmet. He put it on and threw his leg over the bike. When his arms were wrapped around Dakota’s waist, his heart flooded with warmth.
Holding the Alpha made Kyle feel something he’d never felt before in his entire existence. E
mbracing this man felt as if he had finally come home, and oddly, he felt loved for the first time in his life. Kyle relaxed into the Alpha’s broad back, took a deep breath, and let out a sigh.
The motorcycle roared to life and they shot off into the night. A few miles down the road, the man pulled over. He got off the bike and made a call. “I’ve got him. Do what you do,” he said to the person on the other end.
“What’s going on?” Kyle asked, but he was no longer afraid.
“Not right now, baby. We need to get farther away. I’m Dakota of the Kodiak MC. I’m taking you home.”
He got back on the bike, and they rode across town to the Kodiak clubhouse.
The clubhouse was very different from the Iron Sled’s place. It was a log cabin on the outskirts of town off a little ways into the woods, and the inside was warm and inviting.
A fire blazed in a massive fireplace, and the warm scent of vanilla and cinnamon wafted out from a kitchen off the main room. A few men sat around the fire on comfy-looking leather sofas drinking beer and talking. There was no yelling or fighting, and no Omegas were walking around almost naked.
“It’s a bit different here than what you’re used to, huh?” Dakota asked.
“Yes. This isn’t what I expected at all,” Kyle said, completely relieved.
“I have an apartment in town too, but this is where we’ll stay for now. I need to keep you protected, and my brothers will help me do that. You should know, Markus didn’t end up getting any money for you. My lieutenant, Bryan, found a way to transfer the money to Markus until I had you safe, and then we took it back. I don’t own you, Kyle. Nobody can own you. You’re free to go if you want. Though, I hope you’ll stay with me.”
“I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“Well, we’ll take good care of you. Are you hungry? It smells like dinner is done and Mikey’s working on dessert.”
“Yes, please. I would love something to eat.”
Dakota led Kyle to the dining area and told him to make himself comfortable. He disappeared into the kitchen, and when he came back, he had two diet grape sodas. “I’ll be right back with some food,” he said and went back to the kitchen.
This time, when he came back, he had two plates. They were piled high with spaghetti and meatballs. This would be the first meal Kyle had eaten in years that he hadn’t cooked himself. They ate quietly. Kyle was relatively confident that he was safe, but he was still unsure.
Dakota didn’t know how to explain what was happening, but he knew he needed to tell Kyle something. Every second that he was with him, he wanted to gather the Omega up into his arms and kiss him. And the bear under the surface wanted desperately to mate Kyle.
Kyle looked up at Dakota and smiled before taking another bite of his spaghetti. Despite being a prisoner of the Iron Sleds for six years and witnessing the worst of what some shifters were capable of, he was guileless. Dakota must have looked desperately anguished as he gazed at Kyle. What his Omega had experienced gutted him.
“Dakota, are you alright?” Kyle asked before taking another forkful of pasta.
“I’m a bear,” Dakota blurted out. Where had that come from? He was a coolly controlled Alpha not inclined to outbursts.
“You’re a wha…” Kyle’s words trailed off as something rose up inside him. Something was inside him roaring and scratching towards the surface. “What’s happening to me?” He practically screamed as he stood up, but Dakota was too late.
Kyle transformed into a beautiful, stout brown bear. He was small for an Omega grizzly, at just under three hundred pounds, but he was magnificent.
Kyle sat back on his haunches and looked at his paws. He tried to cry out to Dakota for help, but all that came out was a roar.
The next thing he saw astounded him. Dakota turned into a massive Kodiak grizzly. Kyle started to panic, but then Dakota’s voice soothed him. Although he was now a giant bear, Kyle could still understand his voice.
“It’s okay, mate. Just try to relax. I guess from your reaction, this is the first time you’ve shifted, and you had no idea what you were.” The wolves must not have been aware of what Kyle was either, or they would have known they were playing with fire. “Give yourself a few moments and you’ll be able to communicate with me.”
He waited patiently and then heard Kyle’s voice. “Dakota. I’m okay now. I knew about the Iron Sleds being wolves, but I didn’t know there were bear shifters too. I had no idea.”
“Can you turn back? I’d like to continue this conversation, but you’ll exhaust yourself staying in bear form for too long at first.”
“I’ll try,” Kyle said, and somehow managed to push his bear back under the surface.
He popped back out of bear form as quickly as he popped in. Once Kyle was human again, an overwhelming wave of fatigue overtook him. Dakota shifted fast enough that he was able to catch Kyle before he passed out on the floor.
Fortunately, when they shifted, the other men gave them some space as they were both completely naked now. Dakota scooped Kyle up into his impressively muscular arms and his head lulled against Dakota’s firm chest.
Dakota carried Kyle up to the clubhouses bedroom and tucked him under the covers. He grabbed some spare clothes from the dresser and got dressed.
Wanting nothing more than to be near Kyle and keep him safe, Dakota slipped in the other side of the bed. He made sure there were a couple of blankets between them. His cock stirred at being so close to the Omega while he was naked and vulnerable, but that night he would be a gentleman.
The First Time
Kyle woke with a start and realized he was naked and in bed with Dakota. The memories of the night before flooded back into his mind, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He pulled himself into a sitting position and used the bedsheet to cover his naked body. Next to him, Dakota stirred.
“Good morning, Dakota.”
With the fear he’d been living with for his entire life completely gone, Kyle was now filled with something else. Arousal. He barely knew who this man was, but he knew the Alpha bear was everything to him. “Fated mate,” the bear inside him whispered.
His cock stirred and his asshole grew slick with desire. Kyle was suddenly starving for Dakota’s touch. It was hard for him to keep his hands to himself.
“Good morning, baby. Are you alright?” he asked sleepily. Kyle seemed off, but Dakota wasn’t awake yet to sense what it was. It wasn’t danger or fear. What was that? It dawned on him right as he pounced.
Kyle was on his chest, pinning down his armsand staring deep into his eyes.
“It’s time for your reward for saving me, mate,” Kyle said and kissed him hard.
Kyle scooted down Dakota’s body and pulled the flannel pajama pants off his hips. Dakota’s cock sprang free and was already throbbing with need as a tiny drop of seed escaped the tip.
He pulled the pajama pants the rest of the way off and knelt on the end of the bed at his feet. Kyle knew he wanted Dakota but had no idea what to do with him now that he had him naked and ready.
“Do you really want this, baby?” Dakota asked because he was a gentleman, but he already knew the answer.
Kyle nodded his head yes enthusiastically. His cock was hard and throbbing with desire.
“Then I’ll handle it from here. Do you surrender to your Alpha, mate?”
Again, Kyle nodded his head yes enthusiastically.
“Then say it.”
“Yes, mate. I surrender to you.”
He growled out loud and grabbed Kyle by the arms. Dakota flipped him over onto his back and parted his knees with his hands.
He looked into Kyle’s eyes from between his legs. Dakota pressed his face into the neatly trimmed hair just above Kyle’s cock. He fought back against a wave of rage as he realized Kyle was so neatly groomed because he’d been made ready for sale.
“Are you sure you’re alright with this,” Dakota asked.
“Yes, oh god, ye
s. Now do something, anything. Please,” Kyle begged and kicked Dakota’s shoulder playfully with his foot.
He brought his hands up to slide under Kyle and cup his buttocks. He used his thumbs to spread his soft skin apart and expose his tight asshole.
He was so slick, and Kyle’s cock was swollen with need. He used his tongue to gently circle Kyle’s asshole before pulling away and sliding a finger in.
Kyle moaned and bucked his hips up towards the Alpha. Dakota used his hands to hold Kyle’s hips down, digging his fingers into the Omega’s skin, and sucking his throbbing cock.
Dakota sucked his Omega’s dick and fingered his asshole while Kyle wriggled underneath him and cried out Dakota’s name. Before long, Kyle was overcome with sensation and it spilled over into his first climax.
He cried out as his cock spurted and sent hot ropes of his sticky, sweet cum into Dakota’s mouth. He sucked harder and swallowed it all. Most Alphas wouldn’t suck off their Omegas, but Dakota liked the sweet taste of his true mate.
Kyle’s fingers threaded through Dakota’s hair and held it in place while he instinctively thrust his hips up into the air. After one last, violent shudder, his climax was over. He’d experienced something most Omegas never would. Most Alphas wouldn’t even give their Omega’s a hand job. That was left to the Omega to take care of while the Alpha fucked their asshole.
“We’ve got to keep you soft and ready,” Dakota said before running his tongue up the length of Kyle’s cock again. “Your slick will go dry if I don’t keep you warmed up.”
Dakota slid his middle finger into Kyle’s ass. He worked him with a slow in and out rhythm as his palm applied gentle pressure to Kyle’s growing erection.
When he was confident Kyle could handle it, he pulled out his finger and positioned his cock at Kyle’s asshole. Dakota used one hand to pin Kyle’s wrists above his head.
Dakota pushed into Kyle until he felt Kyle’s body react. The Omega’s muscles clamped down and Dakota couldn’t penetrate Kyle any farther without hurting him.